For its 10th Annual Innovations Awards for 2020, PROGRESS In Lending has added a “Thought Leaders Award” category. On June 16, it was announced that Dan Bailey, Senior Operations Executive and SVP for WFG Lender Services and WFG Enterprise Solutions, is one of the winners.
The award spotlights women and men who are creative, offer bold new ideas, and are “not afraid to step forward and blaze a new trail.”
As the award announcement states, Dan is more than the senior operations executive and SVP, “he is a champion for positive change within the company and within the industry, always looking to find ways to improve the title insurance process and to save clients time and money. With a unique combination of legal, technical and sales acumen and a passion for problem-solving, Dan has worked to help lenders achieve huge savings of time and money—and boosted his company’s reputation as a true housing industry innovator.”
The PROGRESS in Lending Association was formed to help lending executives grow their business by distilling the latest news and trends “into sound strategies.” The new “Though Leaders Award” joins several others, including three added in 2019: “Sales, Marketing & PR Trailblazers Award,” “Most Powerful Women In Fintech Award” and “Lending Luminaries Award.”
In announcing the award recipients, PROGRESS in Lending explained why this category was so important to include this year: because during such unusual times of global pandemic, every industry needs leaders who “think outside of the box so we can move forward as a country and a world.” And so, attention is paid to executives whose initiative today will help us for years to come.