WEST’s Product Library on Modern Day Agent site is brand-neutral evaluation of real estate tools, apps and services.
Portland, OR November 14, 2017 Today’s real estate professional has thousands of choices when it comes to marketing and technology apps, tools and services with few resources to evaluate them. However, real estate services provider WEST has now unveiled a new product index designed to take the legwork out of that evaluation process.
WEST recently published a product index for real estate professionals designed to be developer or provider agnostic (no relationship with WEST is required to be included). Listings are based solely upon WEST’s evaluation of the listed tools, apps and solutions. Known as the Product Library, the index may be found on WEST’s comprehensive real estate agent resource website, The Modern Day Agent (www. Themoderndayagent.com), which also includes articles, products, guides and other content for realty professionals.
WEST, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Williston Financial Group, is a real estate services provider focused on streamlining and enhancing the entirety of the mortgage and real estate transaction through technology-enabled services and processes. The Williston Financial Group family is one of the nation’s fastest growing real estate service providers.
“Although there are a number of third-party resource platforms maintained by service providers for real estate professionals, those we’re aware of have requirements for use,” said WEST’s Jeff Bernheisel, VP, Project Development. “In other words, you might need to be a paying client to access the resources. Or the resources themselves might be limited to “preferred partners” or developers with which the index provider has a financial relationship. A place in the MDA Product Library, however, is limited only by one question: ‘Does it do a good job of helping real estate professionals?’”
For more information about The Modern Day Agent or its Product Library, go to www.themoderndayagent.com. To learn more about WEST, go to www.poweredbywest.com.
About Williston Financial Group
Williston Financial Group is the Portland, Oregon-based parent company of several real estate services and national settlement services providers, including WFG Lender Services, Valutrust Solutions, LLC and WFG National Title Insurance Company. It is one of the fastest growing and unique real estate services providers in the mortgage industry. Built around the directive to “communicate, collaborate, coexist,” Williston Financial Group is committed to applying a new philosophy to the traditional mortgage and real estate industry, working to meet the changing needs of its clients, agents and associates. For more information, please go to www.WFGNationalTitle.com or www.WFGLS.com.
WEST, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Williston Financial Group, is a network of technology and service groups designed to streamline and enhance the entirety of the mortgage and real estate transaction through technology-enabled services and processes. Its primary goal is to improve the entire transaction for Realtors™, brokers, title companies and lenders… and, most importantly, the consumers they serve