WFG News
February 9, 2015

‘Power networking’ is secret to endless real estate referrals

If you’re like most real estate professionals, networking at meetings, ball games or other events is a core part of your business. Typical agents pass out lots of business cards and seldom hear back from the people they meet. If you’re ready to change that, power networking is for you.…
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WFG News
February 2, 2015

Declining oil prices: boon or bane for real estate?

Most Americans are thrilled by the 50 percent reduction in prices at the gas pump. The strong U.S. dollar also helps our purchasing power for products manufactured outside the U.S. The real question is to what extent these shifts will positively or negatively affect the real estate industry. No matter…
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WFG News
January 26, 2015

Why agent teams can be risky business

If you manage an office or are an agent who runs a team with independent contractors, it’s imperative that you examine your business model to determine if your current practices violate your state’s labor laws. Failure to do so could result in costly legal action against you and/or your brokerage.…
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