WFG News
March 2, 2015

How I landed 54 new prospects in 4 days

I have had three articles published on Inman in the last two months. For a blogger, guest-posting is an excellent way to gain exposure in your industry. There is also an opportunity to add email subscribers to your list, which is something I have focused on during the last two months.…
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WFG News
February 18, 2015

10 reasons email real estate marketing beats social media

Social media can be a soul-crushing experience for a real estate agent. On Facebook, your posts get seen by a whopping four people. Or on Twitter, you find out that a past client just bought a house with another agent. Over on Pinterest, you are getting zero interaction on any…
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WFG News
February 2, 2015

7 things millennial homebuyers won’t tell you

The millennial generation is a social bunch. They love social media, they love texting, and they love connecting with their peers. Millennials share almost every detail of their lives, which is different from earlier generations. Yet there are things that millennials won’t tell you during the home buying process. To…
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