WFG News
February 20, 2015

Greek Band-Aid intercepts interest rate drop

Long-term Treasurys are sliding down in yield again, holding low-fee mortgages in the high-threes. This improvement has been caused by several things, all reinforcing each other, and is likely to continue. However, in the background lies an enormous contradiction that is clearly troubling long-term markets. First things first. Way back…
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WFG News
January 30, 2015

Fed affirms plans for rate liftoff, but mortgages are another story

First the facts, then the ponderables. Long-term U.S. interest rates fell again today, now to a 20-month low. The 10-year T-note broke through the 1.7 percent prior low to 1.66 percent, down from 1.85 percent on Monday and from 2.3 percent in Christmas week. Meanwhile, on Wednesday the Fed affirmed…
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