WFG News
February 26, 2015

3 major business changes I made after Real Estate Connect NYC

The big question on my mind as I arrived at Real Estate Connect New York in January this year was, “What can I learn to make the big leap this time?” I’ve been asking myself that same question for the past two years. I felt that my business was stagnating. I was…
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WFG News
February 26, 2015

6 critical ‘musts’ for every real estate investor

Investment in any industry isn’t easy, and real estate investment can be particularly challenging. Here are six things you need to get a handle on before you start pouring money into a real estate investment. 1. You must know your market. When I first jumped into the real estate business, I…
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WFG News
February 11, 2015

Real estate customer service hacks to save your sanity

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your customer service? It is critical to take care of your clients, provide clear communication and show appreciation to your database. Sounds easy, but we all know how tough it can be in reality. Scouting out solutions to improve…
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