Five elected to board charged with setting New York title insurance rates
New York, NY July 9, 2014 Michael Kelly of WFG National Title Insurance Company (WFG National Title) has been elected to the New York Title Insurance Rate Service Association (TIRSA). Working with the New York Department of Financial Services, TIRSA is charged with, among other things, maintaining the title insurance rates in that state. WFG National Title is a full service provider of title insurance and real estate settlement services for commercial and residential transactions nationwide.
Kelly, who serves as WFG National Title’s Vice President and New York State Counsel, was elected Vice President for TIRSA on June 24. He is joined on the new board by Marvin Bagwell (President); John Martinico (Alternate Vice President); Jonathan Richards (Treasurer) and Felice Shapiro, Secretary.
TIRSA is licensed (and supervised) by the Superintendent of Financial Services of the State of New York as the Rate Service Organization and statistical agent of the New York Department of Financial Services. TIRSA receives, compiles and submits to the Department all statistical data for title insurance premiums, losses and expenses. TIRSA also develops, maintains, amends, updates and submits to the Superintendent for approval the Title Insurance Rate Manual for New York and any and all changes thereto.
For more information about TIRSA, go to www.tirsa.org. Contact Mike Kelly at mkelly@wfgnationaltitle.com
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