It’s always nice to have some fun statistics in mind when you’re out touring with clients, or making your way through those seemingly-endless call lists. This list features the most expensive homes for sale in each state. Numbers like these can be a great way to help buyers put sales prices in perspective. For instance, if you’re in Oregon, where the median home price is around $300k, and your client balks at a home listed for $500k as being, perhaps, outrageously priced, you could point out that, though that amount may be slightly higher than the median, it is dramatically lower than the sticker price of this home, in Gold Beach, OR, listed at $15.9M. Really puts a perspective on things, doesn’t it?
Do you know which current listing in your state has the biggest price tag?
The post Most Expensive Homes for Sale in Each State appeared first on WFG National Title Insurance Company.