Technology: Love it or hate it, it’s an integral part of your job in real estate.
But how do you really feel about it? Is it an asset or an annoyance? A hindrance or a hero?
Some agents and brokers welcome new applications and devices with open arms, while others are just as happy to stick with a pen, notepad and landline.
Where do you fall on the spectrum?
We’re inviting readers to tell us all about how technology affects their lives. Intrigued? See the instructions below.
We’ll publish the most compelling profiles in the coming weeks on Inman, so you can learn all about how your friends and colleagues are embracing (or eschewing) everything tech-related.
Here are the details. Please email your answers and photos to contributors@inman.com.
What to do: Answer the following questions and send us a high-resolution headshot as well as a screenshot of your smartphone home screen (if applicable). If a question doesn’t apply to you, feel free to skip it.
Is your phone an iPhone, Android, Windows phone? What model? Why?
What are your top three apps on your phone?
How do you split your digital time: how much mobile, how much desktop?
Describe your job. What do you do every day? How does technology support (or not support) your daily job description?
Do you consider yourself an early adopter of technology? Or do you wait to see what’s working for other people?
What’s the biggest technology-related challenge you face today? How do you solve it?
What do you think is the biggest overall challenge facing the real estate industry? Will technology be able to address it?
How do you feel technology is changing the real estate industry? Are these changes making the industry better or worse? Why?
What email system(s) do you use? Which one is your favorite and why?
Which CMS do you use? What do you like about it, and what feature do you wish it would add in the future?
Do you use a calendar app? Which one? What do you like about it?
Do you use digital documents, which one? Why?
Do you own a camera? What kind? What do you like about it?
What kind of laptop or tablet (or both) do you own?
Do you have a Nest thermostat in your home?
Do you play games on any of your devices? Which ones?
Which websites do you visit every day? Why?
Which social media app do you use the most on your phone? Your tablet? Your computer?
What’s on your technology wish list — for yourself or for work?
Where do you get most of your leads? Portals or other sources?
What is your favorite technology, one you actually get joy out of using?
What is your favorite “unplugged” activity?
Email your responses to contributors@inman.com — and keep an eye out for what your colleagues have to say!
The post Tell us about technology: good, bad and ugly appeared first on WFG National Title Insurance Company.