If you are looking to build your personal brand through social media, Gary Vaynerchuck is the guy to emulate. For those of you who don’t know Gary Vaynerchuk, he wrote the books ‘Crush it’, ‘The Thank You Economy’, as well as ‘Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook’. He is also renowned for his ‘Wine Library TV’ which took his parent’s wine business from a couple million dollars a year to $50M a year in sales. Gary is one of my heroes! The thing I love about Gary Vaynerchuck is his passion for what he does and his willingness to put himself out there. In today’s world I think more people need to find the things they love, and strive to make them happen! There is no need to adopt the ‘pilgrim theory’ and settle. Strive to do what makes you happy, and it will reward you greatly.
In working with Realtors on a daily basis, I can see the passion that many of them have. However, I can also tell when people have lost the fire. The people that are living and loving what they do are finding ways to succeed and to push through the tough times. The people that are only at their jobs for the paycheck are struggling. Just think about what kind of experience you’d have at DMV if the people that worked there loved their jobs like Gary does. That’s not to say there won’t be a bump in the road once and a while, but doing what you love will push you through. Life is too short to be unhappy!
This video has some harsh language, but is worth every second. So go pick up one of his books and enjoy this video.
The post Building a Personal Brand With Social Media appeared first on WFG’s Tech Talk.
The post Building a Personal Brand With Social Media appeared first on WFG National Title Insurance Company.