The New Year’s resolution that you’re most likely to break is the one in which you promise to take better care of yourself. You mean to exercise regularly, drop those holiday pounds or spend more time with your loved ones; then the clarion call of business scuttles those plans. Rather than heeding the call of business first, make personal self-care your top priority for 2015.
You know what happens when you don’t recharge your mobile devices: They don’t work. The only way to correct that situation is to recharge them. As obvious as this is, many Realtors attempt to run at full capacity without ever taking time to recharge. Instead, they cancel the relaxing afternoon they planned because a listing or buyer appointment seems more important.
Recharging begins with a deliberate choice to take action. Failure to take recharge time can result in serious long-term effects, including burnout, adrenal fatigue, and even cancer and heart disease. In fact, taking time off is so important that it’s smart to schedule your recharge time prior to scheduling your business commitments.
Each person’s path to being “fully charged” varies, however. Sometimes a quick nap or 15 minutes of meditation is all that is needed for you to run at full capacity. On the other hand, if you completely drain your personal battery, recharging can require extended periods of time. In extreme cases, it can even require medical intervention.
Create your personal recharge plan
Have you ever tried taking a day off and the entire time you were worried about what was going on in your business? The key to successfully recharging your energy begins by identifying which activities allow you to completely disconnect from the stress in your life.
In order to create your personal recharge plan, start with the four areas below. Also, be sure to identify at least one strategy from each area that will help you recharge your energy.
1. Physical
Recharging physically is an obvious place to begin. Proven strategies are eating healthy foods, taking vitamins and exercising regularly. Other strategies include going to bed earlier, sleeping in at least one day a week, taking time to unwind in a hot bath, or engaging in a favorite activity such as gardening. Experiment with the options that you find the most appealing and then integrate at least one activity each day that helps your physical body recharge.
2. Mental
Negative self-talk and worry are major roadblocks that can hamper your ability to recharge. The research on multitasking has repeatedly demonstrated that you can concentrate on only one thought at a time. Consequently, to recharge mentally, find an activity that engages your mind on something other than your worries and problems. It could be reading a novel, watching a movie, or listening to your favorite music. Engaging in games or other activities that require your complete mental attention are other options.
When you do bump into a situation that keeps gnawing at you, write down all the options available for coping with that situation, no matter how silly or bizarre those solutions may seem. Next, choose the one option that would work best and take action to implement it as soon as possible.
3. Spiritual
Businesspeople often focus almost exclusively on the physical and the mental, often to the detriment of their spiritual and emotional needs to recharge. Regardless of your belief system, everyone experiences events that raise their spirits. For some, spiritual recharging involves organized religion. Others may find that their spirit soars when they experience a glorious sunset, when they help another person overcome a difficult challenge, or they practice martial arts where meditation is combined with physical discipline.
4. Emotional
It’s extremely common for real estate professionals to place business ahead of their personal needs. They skip family time to handle transaction issues or are so stressed that can’t enjoy the time they do spend with their loved ones.
Research from the late psychologist Paul Pearsall demonstrated that laughing 100 times a day, having dinner with your loved ones five nights a week, and helping others are three of the best ways to recharge emotionally. These simple activities are also powerful antidotes that can also ward off cancer and heart disease. Other strategies include telling those you care about “I love you,” expressing gratitude as often as possible, staying connected with friends, and spending time with a favorite pet.
Ideally, recharging should be an activity that brings you joy, greater energy and increased enthusiasm for all you do. Experiment with each area above until you find what works best for you personally. Finally, regularly incorporate these activities into your recharge time as often as possible. It’s the best way to have a terrific 2015!
Bernice Ross, CEO of RealEstateCoach.com, is a national speaker, author and trainer with over 1,000 published articles and two best-selling real estate books. Discover why leading Realtor associations and companies have chosen Bernice’s new and experienced real estate sales training for their agents at www.RealEstateCoach.com/AgentTraining and www.RealEstateCoach.com/newagent.
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