Better manage your loan processing pipeline with DecisionPoint™
Prioritize and streamline your workflow
Determine your title clearance timeline with just the borrower’s name and property address. DecisionPoint from WFG Lender Services provides automated title decisioning. It analyzes property encumbrances and applicant circumstances to immediately project a reliable clear-to-close timeframe, which rates on a grading system determined by each lender. When a successful result is obtained, DecisionPoint quickly delivers the pre-title report.Greatly reduce loan application dropout rates!
DecisionPoint can provide immediate decisioning for the vast majority of U.S. properties and immediate title clearance for more than 30 percent! And because DecisionPoint will help move loans faster through the origination process, borrowers should have a shorter timeframe for their loans and be able to lock in the best available interest rate. This lets each lender better manage their loan pipeline – improving efficiency by assigning the right resources to problem loans.Improve efficiency
DecisionPoint allows lenders to identify estimated title clear timeframes and better manage the processing pipeline.